Inferential Statistical Analysis

on under Data Science


  • The T-test i.e. Student’s T Test compares two means and tells us if they are different from each other.
  • It tells whether two samples have been drawn from same sample or not.
  • It tell’s how significant our result is, more specifically it tells whether it happened by chance or not.

T-Values and Degrees of Freedom

  • T-Value is the ratio of the difference between the mean of the two sample sets and the variation that exists within the sample sets.
  • T-Value is also called T-Score.
  • Large t-score indicates that the groups are different.
  • Small t-score indicates that the groups are similar.
  • Degree Of Freedom are the values that has a freedom to vary.
  • Formula of Degree of Freedom: df = nx + ny - 2

Normal Distribution

  • It has a bell-shaped density curve.
  • The density curve is symmetrical and centered about mean(μ). It determines the peak of the curve.
  • Data spread it determined by standard deviation(sigma-σ) i.e. it is a measure of variability. It determines how far the data falls from the mean.

The density curve is as follows:


Standardization (Normalization, z-Scores)

  • The process of putting different variables to a same scale is known as Standardization.
  • Also called Normalization.
  • It allows us to compare scores between different types of variables.
  • Formula:


  • Result of this formula is known as z-score.
  • z-score tells the overall data lies compared to overall population.

The higher (or lower) the Z-score, the more unlikely the result is to happen by chance and the more likely the result is meaningful.

p-Value and alpha

Significance Level-Alpha
  • It is a probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true.

  • Drawing a two tailed graph for alpha = 0.05 and alpha = 0.01:[1]

Some Keypoints:

  • We need to shade 5% or 1% of graph that is furthest from null hypothesis(since we are rejecting).
  • The sample mean for the given distribution is 330.6.




  • For the above two-tailed test, the critical region (the shaded part) lies equidistant from the null hypothesis value.
  • Sample mean 330.6 is significant in case for 5% significance but not for the case of 1% significance level.


  • We’ll reject null hypothesis for 5% significance level.
  • Fail to reject null hypothesis for 1% significance level.


  • The probability that the results from our sample data occurred by chance is known as p-value.
  • Lower p-values are good because they indicate that the data does not occur by chance.
  • Example: p-value = 0.01 indicates that their is only 1% probability that the data occured by chance.
  • If the observed p-value is less than alpha, then the results are statistically significant.

Type’s Of T-Test

Student’s T-Test

  • Sample’s are Independent.
  • Sample’s are drawn from Gaussian Distribution.
  • Size of each sample must be same.
  • Sample’s have same variance.
  • Sample’s have different mean.
  • Values of one sample does not have any effect to values of other sample.



Paired Student’s T-Test

  • Sample’s are Dependent.
  • They may be from same population.
  • Used to check whether the difference of means of two samples are zero or not.
  • They have unequal variance.
  • Similar to Student’s T-Test they are also drawn from Gaussian Distribution.
  • Values of one sample effect the values of other sample.




  • Hypothesis testing is used to assess the probability of a hypothesis by using sample data.
  • An assumption is made looking into population and test are preformed according to it.

Null Hypothesis

  • It stats/assumnes that their is no difference between population characteristics (mean, propotion).
  • It is denoted by H0.

Alternative Hypothesis

  • It claims that the population is contradictory to null hypothesis. Hence, reject null hypothesis.
  • It is denoted by H1.


  • Determine a null and alternate hypothesis.
  • Collect sample data.
  • Determine a confidence interval and degrees of freedom.
  • Calculate the t-statistic.
  • Calculate the critical t-value from the t distribution.
  • Compare the critical t-values with the calculated t statistic.

Creating Samples

_emotion_type = input("Enter type of emotion which needs to be tested: ")
_data, _data_numpy, _data_label, _data_label_numpy = select_emotion(df_all, df_label, df, _emotion_type)
sample_1 = _data_numpy.copy()
_emotion_type = input("Enter type of emotion which needs to be tested: ")
_data, _data_numpy, _data_label, _data_label_numpy = select_emotion(df_all, df_label, df, _emotion_type)
sample_2 = _data_numpy.copy()

T-Test Implementation

Creating some user defined function for Dependent Samples

    To find sum squared difference and sum difference between observations.

def find_diff(sample1, sample2):
  sq_diff = sum([(sample1[i] - sample2[i]) ** 2 for i in range(len(sample1))])
  diff = sum([sample1[i] - sample2[i] for i in range(len(sample1))])
  return sq_diff, diff

    To find standard deviation.

def find_dev(sq_diff, diff, size):
  std = np.sqrt((sq_diff - (diff ** 2 / size)) / (size - 1))
  return std
    To calculate t-statistic.

def dep_ttest(sample1, sample2, n, sample1_mean, sample2_mean, size):
  sq_diff, diff = find_diff(sample1, sample2)
  std_dev = find_dev(sq_diff, diff, size)
  std_error = std_dev / np.sqrt(size)
  t_stat = (sample1_mean - sample2_mean) / std_error
  return t_stat
    To calculate p-value, compare with critical t-value


def dep_pval(sample1, sample2, size, t_statistic):
  # Degree of freedom.
  df = size - 1
  # p-value after comparision with the t-stat
  p = 1 - sci.stats.t.cdf(t_statistic, df = df)
  pval = 2 * p
  return pval

Creating some user defined function for Independent Samples

    To calculate t-statistic for independent samples.

def ind_ttest(sample1, sample2, n, sample1_mean, sample2_mean, size1, size2):

  var_1, std_1 = find_var_std(sample1, n)
  var_2, std_2 = find_var_std(sample2, n)

  print("Variance of sample1:", var_1)
  print("Variance of sample2:", var_2)
  print("Standard Deviation of sample1: ", std_1)
  print("Standard Deviation of sample2: ", std_2)

  t_stat = (sample1_mean - sample2_mean)/(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(std_1, 2)/size1), np.power(std_2, 2)/size2))

  return t_stat
    To calculate p-value, compare with critical t-value

def ind_pval(sample1, sample2, t_statistic, size1, size2):
  # Degree of freedom.
  df = size1 + size2 - 2
  # p-value after comparision with the t-stat
  p = 1 - sci.stats.t.cdf(t_statistic, df = df)
  pval = 2 * p
  return pval

Function for T-Test

def t_test(sample_1, sample_2, alpha, n, sample_type, sample_1_mean, sample_2_mean, size1, size2):


    n = int(n)
    alpha = float(alpha)

    if n is 1:

      if sample_type is 0:

        start = time.time()

        statistic, pvalue = sci.stats.ttest_rel(sample1, sample2)

        print("Statistics: ", statistic)
        print("P-Value: ", pvalue)
        print("Same Distributions- fails to Reject H0") if pvalue.any() > alpha else print("Different Distributions- Reject H0")

        print("Time taken to formulate: ", time.time() - start)

      if sample_type is 1:

        start = time.time()

        statistic, pvalue = sci.stats.ttest_ind(sample1, sample2)

        print("Statistics: ", statistic)
        print("P-Value: ", pvalue)
        print("Same Distributions- fails to Reject H0") if pvalue.any() > alpha else print("Different Distributions- Reject H0")

        print("Time taken to formulate: ", time.time() - start)

      if sample_type is not 0 or sample_type is not 1:
        print("Enter correct sample type")

    elif n is 0:

      if sample_type is 0:

        start = time.time()
        t_stat = dep_ttest(sample_1, sample_2, sample_1_mean, sample_2_mean, n, size1)
        pvalue = dep_pval(sample_1, sample_2, size1, t_stat)

        print("Statistics: ", t_stat)
        print("P-Value: ", pvalue)
        print("Same Distributions- fails to Reject H0") if pvalue.any() > alpha else print("Different Distributions- Reject H0")
        print("Time taken to formulate: ", time.time() - start)

      if sample_type is 1:

        start = time.time()

        t_stat = ind_ttest(sample_1, sample_2, n, sample_1_mean, sample_2_mean, size1, size2)
        pvalue = ind_pval(sample_1, sample_2, t_statistic, size1, size2)

        print("Statistics: ", t_stat)
        print("P-Value: ", pvalue)

        print("Same Distributions- fails to Reject H0") if pvalue.any() > alpha else print("Different Distributions- Reject H0")

        print("Time taken to formulate: ", time.time() - start)

    elif n is not 0 or n is not 1:
      print("Enter correct value")

  except StatisticsError as error:
    raise error
  except (FloatingPointError, NameError, ZeroDivisionError, ValueError, TypeError, AttributeError) as error:
    raise error

Null Hypothesis (H0): Sample’s are independent if means of sample are same.

Alternate Hypothesis (H1): Samples are independent if means of sample are not same.

n = input("Enter 0 (To calculate without library functions), 1 (Via Library function): ")
alpha = input("Enter alpha value: ")

size_sample_1 = sample_1.shape[0] * sample_1.shape[1]
size_sample_2 = sample_2.shape[0] * sample_2.shape[1]

sample_1_mean = find_mean(sample_1, n)
sample_2_mean = find_mean(sample_1, n)

print("Mean of Sample 1:", sample_1_mean)
print("Mean of Sample 2:", sample_2_mean)

if size_sample_1 != size_sample_2:
  sample_type = 1

if sample_1_mean != sample_2_mean:
  sample_type = 1
  sample_type = 0

t_test(sample_1, sample_2, alpha, n, sample_type, sample_1_mean, sample_2_mean, size_sample_1, size_sample_2)

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