Descriptive Statistical Analysis

on under Data Science

This statistical data analysis methods is used when we want to know about the features of data i.e what all things are present in the distribution

Dataset Description & Basic Analysis

I used fer2013 dataset to perform data analysis. The dataset consists of 48x48 pixel grayscale images of faces. The dataset is categorized into seven groups each of different type of emotions as {0:’anger’, 1:’disgust’, 2:’fear’, 3:’happiness’, 4: ‘sadness’, 5: ‘surprise’, 6: ‘neutral’}.

On reading the dataset:


I performed some data preprocessing and converted that dataset into:


Data Labels

emotion_label = {0:'anger', 1:'disgust', 2:'fear', 3:'happiness', 4: 'sadness', 5: 'surprise', 6: 'neutral'}

Useful Variable Creation

   Converting dataframe into numpy array.

df_all = df.iloc[:,:2304]
df_all_numpy = df_all.to_numpy()

df_label = df["emotion"]
df_label_numpy = df_label.to_numpy()

Emotion Selection

def select_emotion(df_all, df_label, df, _emotion):

  """Select emotion type among all.

    df_all : data-frame of shape (35887, 2304) 
             columns consists of pixel values (emotion column removed)

    df_label : consists of emotion label

    df : complete data-frame of shape (35887, 2305)

    _emotion : emotion type selected by the user

    _data : all the data consisting the given emotion

    _data_numpy : numpy array to _data

    _data_label : consist all the data labels, of provided emotion 

    _data_label_numpy : numpy array of data label


    _emotion = int(_emotion)

    _data = df_all[df["emotion"] == _emotion]
    _data_numpy = _data.to_numpy()

    _data_label = df_label[df["emotion"] == _emotion]
    _data_label_numpy = _data_label.to_numpy()

    return _data, _data_numpy, _data_label, _data_label_numpy

  except Exception as error:
    raise error

This blog post is about Statistical Data Analysis, so I have presented few necessary topics.

Estimates Of Location

  • To find the value that best describes the data.
  • Helps to estimate location parameter for the distribution.


  • Mean is sum of values divided by total number of values.
  • It is also known as Average.


To compute the mean for a set of \(n\) values \(x_1, x_2, ..., x_n\) is:

\[\begin{equation} \textrm{Mean} = \bar{x} = \frac{\sum ^n_{i=1} x_i}{n} \tag{i} \end{equation}\]

Here, \(\bar{x}\) : Represents mean of a sample from population.

The function to calculate mean:

def find_mean(_data_numpy, n):

  """Finds mean of sample.

  This method calculates mean in three different ways:
  * without using library function
  * using numpy np.sum() function
  * via direct library function

  _data_numpy : ndarray 
                All the pixel data of selected emotion

  n : str
      user difined, how to calculate mean

  >>> for _emotion_type = 3 (happiness)
  >>> n = 0, Time taken to calculate:  10.261376142501831, Mean of sample:  129.08117932140826
  >>> n = 1, Time taken to calculate:  0.021773815155029297, Mean of sample:  129.08117932140826
  >>> n = 2, Time taken to calculate:  0.030038833618164062, Mean of sample:  129.08117932140826

  mean : float
        mean of sample


    print("Shape of selected numpy array: ", _data_numpy.shape)

    n = int(n)

    if n is 0:
      start = time.time()
      sum = 0
      for i in range(_data_numpy.shape[0]):
        for j in range(_data_numpy.shape[1]):
          sum += _data_numpy[i][j]
      mean = float(sum/(_data_numpy.shape[0]*_data_numpy.shape[1]))
      print("Time taken to calculate: ", time.time() - start)
      return mean

    elif n is 1:
      start = time.time()
      sum = np.sum(_data_numpy)
      mean = float(sum/(_data_numpy.shape[0]*_data_numpy.shape[1]))
      print("Time taken to calculate: ", time.time() - start)
      return mean

    elif n is 2:
      start = time.time()
      mean = _data_numpy.mean()
      print("Time taken to calculate: ", time.time() - start)
      return mean
    if n is not 0 or n is not 1 or n is not 2:
      print("Enter correct value")

  except StatisticsError as error:
    raise error
  except Exception as error:
    raise error

Function call:

n = input("Enter 0 (To find mean without any library function), Enter 1 (To find via using np.sum()), Enter 2 (Via using Library Function): ")
_emotion_type = input("Enter the emotion type whose mean of pixel values you want to find: ")
_data, _data_numpy, _data_label, _data_label_numpy = select_emotion(df_all, df_label, df, _emotion_type)

mean = find_mean(_data_numpy, n)
print("Mean of sample: ", mean)

Trimmed Mean

  • Trimmed Mean is the average of all values after dropping fixed number of extreme values (sorted values).
  • Also known as Truncated Mean.
  • Widely used to avoid the influence of outliers.
  • It is a trade-off between the median and the mean.


Here, \(x_1 , x_2 , ..., x_n\) represents the sorted values, where \(x_1\) is the smallest and \(x_n\) is the largest value.

\[\begin{equation} \textrm{Trimmed Mean} = \bar{x} = \frac{\sum ^{n-p}_{i=p+1} x_{(i)}}{n-2p} \tag{ii} \end{equation}\]

2p represent the omitted smallest and largest values.

The function to calculate Trimmed Mean:

def find_trimmed_mean(_data_numpy, n, p):

  """To find the trimmed mean of the sample.

  This method finds trimmed mean using two ways.
  * without using library function
  * using library function

  _data_numpy : ndarray
                numpy array of selected sample

  n : str
      select type of method to calucate trimmed mean

  p : str
      fraction of sample we want to omit from both side

  >>> for _emotion_type = 3, p = 0.05
  >>> n = 0, Time taken to calculate:  0.13057208061218262, Trimmed Mean of sample:  129.47220185935402
  >>> n = 1, Time taken to calculate:  0.1196749210357666, Trimmed Mean of sample:  129.47220185935402

  trimmed_mean : float
                 trimmed mean of sample

  This function 1st sorts the numpy array, then calculate



    print("Shape of selected numpy array: ", _data_numpy.shape)

    n = int(n)
    p = float(p)
    _data_numpy = np.asarray(_data_numpy)
    start_time = time.time()
    _data_numpy = np.sort(_data_numpy).ravel()
    print("Time taken to sort the array: ", time.time() - start_time)

    if n is 0:
      start = time.time()
      num = _data_numpy.shape[0]
      lower_val = int(p * num)
      upper_val = num - lower_val

      if (lower_val > upper_val):
        raise ValueError("Proportion too big.")

      atmp = np.partition(_data_numpy, (lower_val, upper_val - 1), 0)
      sl = [slice(None)] * atmp.ndim
      sl[0] = slice(lower_val, upper_val)
      trim_mean = np.mean(atmp[tuple(sl)], axis=0)

      print("Time taken to calculate: ", time.time() - start)
      return trim_mean

    elif n is 1:
      start = time.time()
      trim_mean = stats.trim_mean(_data_numpy, p)
      print("Time taken to calculate: ", time.time() - start)
      return trim_mean
    if n is not 0 or n is not 1:
      print("Enter correct value")

  except StatisticsError as error:
    raise error
  except Exception as error:
    raise error

Function call:

n = input("Enter 0 (To find trimmed mean without any library function), Enter 1 (Via using Library Function): ")
_emotion_type = input("Enter the type of emotion whose trimmed mean of pixel values you want to find: ")
p = input("Enter fraction of values you want to omit: ")
_data, _data_numpy, _data_label, _data_label_numpy = select_emotion(df_all, df_label, df, _emotion_type)

trim_mean = find_trimmed_mean(_data_numpy, n, p)
print("Trimmed Mean of sample: ", trim_mean)


  • Median is the middle number on a sorted list of the data.
  • It depends only on values in center of the data.



The function to calculate median:

def find_median(_data_numpy, n):

  """Finds median of sample

  Using two methods:
  * without library function
  * using library function

  It 1st checks the number of samples, then uses the formula accordingly.

  _data_numpy : ndarray
                numpy array of all the data points of selected sample

  n : str
      method to calcuate

  median : float
           median of sample

  >>> for _emotion_type = 3
  >>> n = 0, Number of terms is even, Time taken to calculate:  0.00019073486328125, Median of sample:  77.0
  >>> n = 1, Time taken to calculate:  0.1251697540283203, Median of sample:  134.0

  This function 1st sorts the numpy array, then calculate


    print("Shape of selected numpy array: ", _data_numpy.shape)

    n = int(n)
    _sort_time = time.time()
    _data_numpy = np.sort(_data_numpy).ravel()                # to flaten array
    print("Time taken to sort the array: ", time.time() - _sort_time)
    print("Data type of _data_numpy: ", type(_data_numpy))
    if n is 0:
      start = time.time()

      num = _data_numpy.size#.shape[0]*_data_numpy.shape[1]
      if num%2 is 0:
        print("Number of terms is even")
        ob_num = int(num/2)
        #median = np.where(_data_numpy == )
        median = _data_numpy[ob_num]
        print("Time taken to calculate: ", time.time() - start)
        return median

      elif num%2 is 1:
        print("Number of terms is odd")
        ob_num_1 = int((num-1)/2)
        observation_1 = _data_numpy[ob_num_1]
        ob_num_2 = int((num+1)/2)
        observation_2 = _data_numpy[ob_num_2]
        median = (observation_1 + observation_2)/2

        print("Time taken to calculate: ", time.time() - start)
        return median

    elif n is 1:
      start = time.time()
      median = np.median(_data_numpy)
      print("Time taken to calculate: ", time.time() - start)
      return median
    if n is not 0 or n is not 1:
      print("Enter correct value")

  except StatisticsError as error:
    raise error
  except Exception as error:
    raise error

Function call:

n = input("Enter 0 (To find median without any library function), Enter 1 (Via using Library Function): ")
_emotion_type = input("Enter the type of emotion whose median of pixel values you want to find: ")
_data, _data_numpy, _data_label, _data_label_numpy = select_emotion(df_all, df_label, df, _emotion_type)

median = find_median(_data_numpy, n)
print("Median of sample: ", median)

Estimates Of Variability

  • Variability between samples refers to range of values differs between samples.
  • Also refered as Dispersion.
  • It measures whether data values are tighly clustered or spread.

Mean Absolute Deviation

  • Deviations tell us how dispersed the data is around the central value.
  • MAD is the mean of absolute deviation of data points from mean.


\[\begin{equation} \textrm{Mean absolute deviation} = \frac{\sum^n_{i=1} |x_i-\bar{x}|}{n} \tag{iv}\\ \end{equation}\]

where, \(\bar{x}\) is the sample mean, n is total number of observations and \(x_1\), \(x_2\), …….\(x_n\) are data points.

The function to call MAD:

def find_mad(_data):
  """Finds mean absolute deviation of sample.

  _data : dataframe of given sample or population

  mad_row : Series
            Computes MAD value accross each row in provided dataframe


    print("Shape of selected numpy array: ", _data.shape)
    print("Data type of _data: ", type(_data))
    start = time.time()
    #mad_col = _data_numpy.mad()
    mad_row = _data.mad(axis=1, skipna=False)
    print("Time taken to calculate: ", time.time() - start)
    return mad_row
  except StatisticsError as error:
    raise error

  except Exception as error:
    raise error

To calculate mean absolute deviation for complete data frmae:

    Printing Mean Absolute Deviation along each row of data-frame

mad_row = find_mad(df_all)

To calculate mean absolute deviation for particular emotion:

_emotion_type = input("Enter the type of emotion whose MAD of pixel values you want to find: ")
_data, _data_numpy, _data_label, _data_label_numpy = select_emotion(df_all, df_label, df, _emotion_type)

mad_row = find_mad(_data)
print("Mean Absolute Deviation of sample (row): \n", mad_row)

Variance and Standard Deviation


  • Variance is defined as the average of squared deviations.
  • Variance of population is denoted by σ2
  • Variance of sample is denoted by s2
  • Formula:
\[\begin{equation} \textrm{Variance} = s^2 = \frac{\sum^n_{i=1} (x_i-\bar{x})^2}{n-1} \tag{v}\\ \end{equation}\]

Here, \(x_1\), \(x_2\), \(x_3\), ……, \(x_n\) are values in dataset, \(\bar{x}\) : Represents mean of a sample and n is total number of observations of sample.

Standard Deviation

  • Standard deviation is the square root of the variance.
  • It measures spread around the mean.
  • Standard deviation is on same scale as original data, therefore it is easier to interpret.
  • Formula:
\[\begin{equation} \textrm{Standard Deviation} = s = \sqrt{Variance}\tag{vi}\\ \end{equation}\]

Variance and Standard Deviation are sensitive to outliers because they are based on the squared deviations.

Function to find Variance and Standard Deviation:

def find_var_std(_data_numpy, n):

  """To find variance and standard deviation.

  This function consists of two method to calculate:
  * without library function
  * via library function

  _data_numpy : darray
                numpy array of selected sample

  n : str
      select method to calucate variance and stanadard deviation

  >>> for _emotion_type = 3
  >>> n = 0, Time taken to calculate:  0.7255523204803467, Variance of sample:  [4645.25424363878, 3525.1757720193746, 3197.1766355538075... 1207.6763326385874, 2137.4093603440274], Standard Deviation of sample:  [68.15610203 59.37319068 56.54358174 ... 68.27522534 34.75163784 46.23212477]
  >>> n = 1, Time taken to calculate:  0.2692246437072754, Variance of sample:  [4645.25424364 3525.17577202 3197.17663555 ... 4661.50639513 1207.67633264 2137.40936034], Standard Deviation of sample:  [68.15610203 59.37319068 56.54358174 ... 68.27522534 34.75163784 46.23212477]

  var : numpy.ndarray
        Returns variance along each row

  std : numpy.ndarray
        Returns standard deviation along each row



    n = int(n)
    print("Shape of selected numpy array: ", _data_numpy.shape)
    print("Data type of _data_numpy: ", type(_data_numpy))

    if n is 0:

      start = time.time()
      means = [row.mean() for row in _data_numpy]
      squared_error = [(row - mean)**2 for row, mean in zip(_data_numpy, means)]
      var = [row.mean() for row in squared_error]
      std = np.sqrt(var)
      print("Time taken to calculate: ", time.time() - start)

      return var, std

    if n is 1:

      start = time.time()
      var = _data_numpy.var(axis=1)
      std = _data_numpy.std(axis=1)
      print("Time taken to calculate: ", time.time() - start)
      return var, std

    if n is not 1 or n is not 0:
      print("Enter correct value")
  except StatisticsError as error:
    raise error
  except Exception as error:
    raise error

Function Call:

n = input("Enter 0 (To find variance & std without any library function), Enter 1 (Via using Library Function): ")
_emotion_type = input("Enter the type of emotion whose variance and standard deviation of pixel values you want to find: ")
_data, _data_numpy, _data_label, _data_label_numpy = select_emotion(df_all, df_label, df, _emotion_type)

var, std = find_var_std(_data_numpy, n)

print("Variance of sample: ", var)
print("Standard Deviation of sample: ", std)

Estimates Based on Percentiles


Basic Theory

  • Statistics based on sorted data.
  • Range is the difference between the largest and the sortest value.
  • It is extremely sensitive to outliers.
  • Not usefull as a general measure of data.


\[\begin{equation} \textrm{Range} = Maximum Value - Minimum Value \tag{vii} \end{equation}\]

There is no need to calculate range of pixel values as we already know it ranges from 0-255 where, 0 is taken as white and 255 is taken as black.


  • Percentile is the estimate of propotions of data that should fall above or bellow.
  • The dataset should be sorted.

Median is the same thing as the 50th percentile.


Percentile is same as quantile.

The function to calculate Percentile:

def find_percentile(_data_numpy, _percent, ax, n):

  """To find percentile.

  This function consists of two method to calculate:
  * without library function
  * via library function

  _data_numpy : ndarray
                numpy array of selected sample

  _percent : str
             propotion of data that should fall above or bellow

  ax : str
       axis along which we have to estimate

  n : str
      select method to calucate variance and stanadard deviation

  >>> for _emotion_type = 3, _percent = 5, along row
  >>> n = 0, Time taken to calculate:  0.02375483512878418, Percentile of sample:  [  1.8   3.    3.  ... 234.8 238.4 239. ]
  >>> n = 1, Time taken to calculate:  1.5285449028015137, Percentile of sample:  [  0.   0.   0. ... 185. 188. 191.]

  p : list

  List must be sorted



    n = int(n)
    ax = int(ax)
    _percent = int(_percent)
    _data_numpy = np.sort(_data_numpy)
    print("Shape of selected numpy array: ", _data_numpy.shape)

    if n is 0:

      start = time.time()

      if not _data_numpy.any():
        return None

      k = (_data_numpy.shape[ax]-1) * (_percent/100)
      floor_op = math.floor(k)
      ceil_op = math.ceil(k)

      if floor_op is ceil_op:
        return _data_numpy[int(k)]

      d0 = _data_numpy[int(floor_op)] * (ceil_op - k)
      d1 = _data_numpy[int(ceil_op)] * (k - floor_op)
      val = d0 + d1

      print("Time taken to calculate: ", time.time() - start)

      return val

    if n is 1:
      start = time.time()
      p = np.percentile(_data_numpy, _percent, axis=ax)
      print("Time taken to calculate: ", time.time() - start)
      return p

    if n is not 1 or n is not 0:
      print("Enter correct value")
  except StatisticsError as error:
    raise error
  except Exception as error:
    raise error

Function Call:

n = input("Enter 0 (To find percentile without any library function), Enter 1 (Via using Library Function): ")
_emotion_type = input("Enter the type of emotion whose percentile of pixel values you want to find: ")
_percent = input("Enter percent you want to find: ")
ax = input("Enter 0 (To find along row), 1 (To find along column): ")

_data, _data_numpy, _data_label, _data_label_numpy = select_emotion(df_all, df_label, df, _emotion_type)

percentile = find_percentile(_data_numpy, _percent, ax, n)
print("Percentile of sample: ", percentile)

Interquartile Range (IQR)

  • Interquartile Range is the difference between 25th percentile and 75th percentile of data.

The Figure represent the simple demostration of IQR:



\[\begin{equation} \textrm{Interquartile Range (IQR)} = Q_3 - Q_1 \tag{viii} \end{equation}\]

Here, given 2n (even) or 2n+1 (odd) number of values.

  • first quartile Q1 = median of the n smallest values
  • third quartile Q3 = median of the n largest values
  • second quartile Q2 = same as the median

The function for IQR Range:

def find_iqr(_data, _data_numpy, ax, n):


    n = int(n)
    ax = int(ax)

    if n is 0:

      _data_numpy = np.sort(_data_numpy)
      print("Shape of selected numpy array: ", _data_numpy.shape)

      start = time.time()

      if not _data_numpy.any():
        return None
      q3 = find_percentile(_data_numpy, 75, ax, n)
      q1 = find_percentile(_data_numpy, 25, ax, n)
      iqr = q3 - q1
      print("Time taken to calculate: ", time.time() - start)
      return iqr

    if n is 1:

      start = time.time()
      iqr = _data.quantile(axis=ax)
      print("Time taken to calculate: ", time.time() - start)

      return iqr

    if n is not 0 or n is not 1:
      print("Enter correct value")
  except StatisticsError as error:
    raise error
  except Exception as error:
    raise error

Function Call:

n = input("Enter 0 (To find iqr without any library function & in numpy array), Enter 1 (Via using Library Function & in dataframe): ")
_emotion_type = input("Enter the type of emotion whose percentile of pixel values you want to find: ")
ax = input("Enter 0 (To find along row), 1 (To find along column): ")

_data, _data_numpy, _data_label, _data_label_numpy = select_emotion(df_all, df_label, df, _emotion_type)

iqr = find_iqr(_data, _data_numpy, ax, n)
print("IQR of sample: ", iqr)

Check out my other posts related to topic:

Do visit my GitHub to view complete code!

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