Lambdas from Scratch
Hi, Guys! In this post, we will go through the concepts of Lambda expression in C++. That’s a pretty interesting thing.
Before starting my blog, I want to present my gratitude to Arthur O’Dwyer for his fantastic talk on Back to Basics: Lambdas from Scratch - CppCon 2019. Thanks so much! The content of the blog posts is entirely inspired by his talk.
Let’s start with the fundamental implementation of the C++ program to add 1 to the number. We will write the code something like this:
int plus1(int x) {
return x+1;
The next thing C++ added to the library is function overloading
For example, we can see the same function name is passed,
but both functions have different data types.
int plus1(int x) {
return x+1;
double plus1(double x) {
return x+1;
The drawback is we have to write the same body twice. So, as the
solution to this problem, the cpp developers introduced the concept of templates
The above code can be written as:
template <typename T>
T plus1(T x) {
return x+1;
auto y = plus1(42);
auto z = plus1(3.14);
These templates make the type deduction by themselves.
If we call plus1(42)
, it instantiates an integer type; else,
if we call plus1(3.14)
, it instantiates a floating type by itself.
The code generated from both methods (templated and non-templated)
will be the same. Click to see.
C++ can also give the ability to call the function; We can also access class members using/creating methods.
class Plus {
int value;
// constructor
Plus(int v);
// member function, with const object
int plusme (int x) const {
return x + value;
How does the computer know that we have to call the plusme
method if we call the Plus
constructor? This is known as static typing
To get rid of pointers, we use this.
Note: There’s no difference between template <typename T>
template <class T>
! See ref.
TODO: template template parameter. Stack
C++ offers the concept of Operator Overloading to us.
class Plus {
int value;
Plus(int v);
int operator() (int x) const {
return x + value;
auto plus = Plus(1);
assert(plus(42) == 43);
Lambdas reduce the boilerplate!
auto plus = [value=1](int x) { return x + value; };
Hence, this closure is without garbage collection, heap allocation, runtime polymorphism, etc.
bool contains_title(const std::vector<Book>& shelf, std::string title) {
auto has_title_t = [t=title](const Book& b) {
return b.title() == t;
return v.end() !=
std::find_if(v.begin(), v.end(), has_title_t);
~TODO: What is passed in the parameters block? here: ()
parameters that the lambda function will accept.
Capturing by Reference
In the above example, [t=title], will make a copy of the string.
It’s called a copy constructor
What if we don’t want to make a copy? We pass the reference value. That is, we can capture a pointer. Code:
auto has_title_t = [pt=&title](const Book& b) {
return b.title() == *pt;
Here, we capture the pointer to the string. Therefore, we have to dereference it (*pt
Adding syntactic sugar to lambda:
auto has_title_t = [&t=title](const Book& b) {
return b.title() == t;
Here, t
is a reference to the title. We didn’t make the copy.
Dangling Pointer: When a pointer is pointing at the memory address of a variable, but after some time, that variable is deleted from that memory location while the pointer is still pointing to it, then such a pointer is known as a dangling pointer.
Capturing by move
auto has_title_t = [t=std::move(title)](const Book& b) {
return b.title() == t;
creates a std::string t
and calls the move constructor to initialize it.
Shorthands of lambda
- [t=title] () { decltype(title) … use(t); }
- [title] () { decltype(title) … use(title); }
- [&t=title] () { use(t); }
- [&t=title] () { use(title); }
- To capture only what is needed-
- [=] () { use(title); } : Capture only what is needed
- [&] () { use(title); } : Capture only what is needed, by reference // Most useful
- Globals and statics are not captured
More features on lambda
- lambda, which doesn’t capture anything. It does not capture
any variable inside it; it operates solely on parameters and does not rely on external states.
template<class T> void fn(T t); fn(+[] (int x) { return x+1; });
- Default-constructible (if capture less) (introduced in C++ 20).
It can be created without any capture or parameter list.
Allows to create an instance of lambda without providing any arguments.
It is also called polymorphic lambdas or stateless lambdas.
auto lam = []() { return 1; }; decltype(lam) copy;
- Lambdas are constexpr by default, but not noexcept by default.
In C++20, stateless lambdas without captures are implicitly constexpr.
Note that constexpr lambdas must have a non-empty function body, and
return type deduction is not allowed.
static_assert(lam() == 1); static_assert(not noexcept(lam()));
- Lambdas may have local state
int count = 0; auto increment = [&count]() { count++; }; // increase count by 1 increment(); // increase count by 1 increment(); // output: count: 2 std::cout << "count: " << count << std::endl;
How to mutate Lambdas?
Pre-lambda mutable state (wrong!)
auto counter = []() { static int i; return ++i; };
This behaves the same as the following class type:
class Counter {
// no captured data members
int operator() const {
static int i; return ++i;
In all instances, the same operator is above.
Pre-lambda mutable state (wrong!)
[i=0]() { return ++i; };
We get a compiler error for the above code.
We don’t write const in lambda, but the operator()
by default. In this case, we don’t want const
since we are
incrementing the i
value. Therefore the compiler throws a compiler error.
Now, how to remove the const? Therefore we need to mutate
[i=0]() mutable { return ++i; };
does not affect the constness of the data members themselves.- It just affects the const qualification of the lambda type’s operator.
Generic Lambdas
Lambdas + Templates = Generic Lambdas
Consider the following class member function templates
class Plus {
int value;
Plus(int v): value(v) {}
template <class T>
auto operator() (T x) const {
return x + value;
auto plus = Plus(1);
assert(plus(42) == 43);
Generic lambdas reduce boilerplate. This can be written as:
auto plus = [value=1](auto x) { return x + value; };
has something to do with type deduction… type inference…
This auto
is different from auto in a normal case. This is actually a template.
Naming the parameter type in generic lambdas
- How to name template
in generic lambda? replace it withauto
? Consider the following code:auto plus = [](auto... args) { return sum(args...); }; auto times = [](auto&&... args) { return product(std::forward<???>(args)...); };
Possible solutions will be:
auto one = [](auto&&... args) { return product(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...); }; auto two = []<class... Ts>(Ts&&... args) { return product(std::forward<Ts>(args)...); }; auto genericLambda = [](auto x) { using T = decltype(x); // code here };
Variadic Lambdas
Variadic function templates
class Plus {
int value;
Plus(int v);
template <class... As>
auto operator()(As... as) {
return sum(as..., value);
Objects which I can call with any number of arguments.
Variadic lambdas reduce boilerplate
auto plus = [value=1](auto... as) {
return sum(as..., value);
assert(plus(42, 3.14, 1) == 47.14);
Using this
as the lambda objects
We can explicitly access the lambda as this->t
This works the same way on lambda. Not really!
class Widget {
void work(int);
void synchronous_foo(int x) {
void asynchronous_foo(int x) {
fire_and_forge([=]() {
If this
here means the lambda object, we couldn’t compile it.
We can capture this
in lambdas in the following ways:
- [=] () { this->work(); }
- [this] () { this->work(); }
- equivalent to [ptr=this] () { ptr->work(); }
- [&] () { this->work(); }
- equivalent to [ptr=this] () { ptr->work(); }
- [*this] () { this->work(x); }
- equivalent to [obj=*this] () {; }
- Capture
*this by move
has no shorthand.- [obj=std::move(*this)] () {; }
std::function with lambdas
TODO the below topics with examples
or lambdas? Both are of nearly the same kind.- How do you write functions that accept lambdas as arguments?
- STL way
- How to pass lambda across an ABI boundary?
Lambdas may or may non be copyable
std::unique_ptr<int> prop;
auto [p = std::move(prop)] () {};
auto lamb2 = std::move(lamb); // ok
auto lamb3 = lamb; // error
There is no copy constructor for lambda.
How do you think I could fix it? Place the lambda on the heap, then share
access to it from all the instances of the std::function
Or use any function type.
Thank you very much for being with me throughout the posts. If you want to share some cool stuff or have questions, please share in the comment section!
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